Talk to your bank first to get pre-qualified for a loan. This will help you get an understanding of what you can afford. From there, you have several options for financing. Below is a list of various types of loans, as well as loan assistance programs.
Types of Loans
Conventional Loan: A conventional loan is a mortgage that is not insured or guaranteed by the federal government. These are more difficult to qualify for as they require: large down payments, high credit scores, and low income-to-debt ratios. Plus, there is potential for a private mortgage insurance requirement. These loans are typically less costly in the long run since they require more money up front, and are therefore less risky for the lender.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loan: An FHA loan has lower down payment requirements and is easier to qualify for than a conventional loan. Due to the lower down payment, you do have to pay a Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP), which protects the lender against losses in the case of mortgage defaults.
Veterans Affairs (VA) Loan: A mortgage loan available through the US Department of Veterans Affairs. These loans are available to active and veteran service personnel and their families, and have generous terms such as: no down payment, no mortgage insurance, no prepayment penalties, and limited closing costs.
Loan Assistance Programs
Maine Housing Advantage Program: $3,500 assistance towards your down payment and closing costs if you take a HoMEworks homebuyer education course. See income and purchase price limits here.
Maine Stream Finance Second Chance Home Loans: This loan targets first time homebuyers with limited credit
HUD Homeownership Assistance Programs in Maine: lists statewide and regional programs
USDA RD Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans: this program assists low-and very-low-income applicants to obtain safe and sanitary housing by providing payment assistance to reduce mortgage payments for a limited time.